

2011年9-12月,2010级高二理(4)班侯晓晨同学作为我校的交流学生,赴Mt. Edgecumbe高中进行了近四个月的访问学习。


The Foreign Land I Saw

2010级高二理科(4)班  侯笑晨


In Mid-December, 2011, when I returned to China from the successful completion of the exchange student’s trip, I can still clearly remember the day of August 21, 2011, after 12 and a half hour’s flight, the excitement of setting foot on Sitka, Alaska.

After I arrived there, the local teachers drove us to our apartment. They made me feel I would not be alone in theUnited States. One day later, I still had not completely got over the jetlag fromBeijingtoAlaska. But I had to sit in a small classroom in the school, beginning the first section of the course already.

The school is located inSitka,Alaska. It is a public school named Mt .Edgecumbe High School. Although the school is not particularly large, it’s larger than many Chinese high schools. Because of the weather disturbance, there is a large indoor stadium. I was here to complete a four-month High School study program. For the first time, I got my curriculum. We had four classes a day, from 9:40 am to 4:00 pm. My courses included digital photography, marine biology, English 2, and thePacific Rim. The courses should have seemed very easy for us if there had been taught in Chinese. But there are language problems for a foreign student to understand the curriculum. I spent nearly two weeks to adapt to the American teachers’ accent. On the other hand, the teachers did have really unique teaching styles. They sometimes did not talk about the book content, but let us be free to play. The atmosphere was also very active in class. Students could speak their minds. The relationship was really close and casual, not as rigid as inChina. American school equipment is very advanced. All teachers use computers and the smart board. The school’s computer room is also high-end configuration. Although the school’s study hall is not too great, you can basically find a book that you want.

As for the country, I have to talk about the American culture. In theU.S., people are very courteous and polite. Usually in a restaurant, people like to whisper instead of talking loudly. Americans believe that it is a sign of respect for other diners. Walking on the road, someone will greet you in a friendly manner, saying “Hello!”, “What’s up?” Therefore, these four months off, every day I have been blessed by the people around me. When you cross the road, the vehicles will always yield to pedestrians, causing a long line of vehicles waiting while the flow of walkers unimpeded. In theU.S., people everywhere reflect the quality of life and the conservation of nature. Living in a country where people are very relaxed and laid-back is great. I enjoyed my stay in theUnited States.



2010级高二理科(4)班  侯笑晨


我访问的学校是位于美国阿拉斯加州的锡特卡的一所公立学校,名叫埃奇克姆山高中。虽然学校不是特别大,但是比中国的许多高中都要大一些。学校因为受当地多雨的天气干扰,有一间很大的室内体育馆。我就在这样的学校里完成了四个月的高二学业。第一次到学校,我就拿到了我的课程表。我们每天一般是四节课,从早上的9:40到下午的4:00。我的课程分别是数码摄影、海洋生物、英语2和太平洋环岛社会学。从课程的内容上来看,对于我们中国的高中生简直是轻松之极。可一个难题却摆在了我面前,因为我们是中国人,即使英语学得再好,听美国的课程依然会很难听懂。将近半个月后,我终于轻松适应了美国老师的口音。另一方面,美国老师讲课真是独具一格,他们有时候并不会讲书上的内容,而是随意发挥,课堂的气氛也十分活跃,学生们可以畅所欲言。师生关系真如朋友一般,不似中国那样死板。美国学校设备也很先进,所有的老师都是用电脑和smart board给我们讲课。学校的微机房也都是高端的配置,学校的读书馆虽然不算很大,但你想要找的书在这里你都能基本找到。
